Make it Last

I always try to over analyze any situation and dissect it to no ends. Why did the Universe manifest the day this way and did I hope that it can be saved? Inside every day we take the minute things for granted until they start getting too out of control and too far away from our grasp. Common sense is the first thing that gets thrown out the window as you try to make every deal with the devil to have the tide turn in your favour to make this moment last.

Trailer Park Trash

Imagine growing up and living with that stereo type that you were no better than the trash others threw away. I personally can see nothing wrong with it but I can understand how other people would feel. That feeling if only your family cared enough about you to do something about it then all the arguments come into play. Before you know it your parents are divorced and there is no more words left to say.

Where Have I Been?

My heart just swells with pride when I see him doing all the normal kitten things. Even washing his face is cause for celebration when I think about how far he has truly came. That is where I have been these days as I marinade in everything that is my family.

Why I Love Cats More Than People

Their biggest turn off is they didn’t like cats like me. I mean truly. There is no bigger turn off then somebody telling me to take my cats to the humane society because I knew most guys leave faster than the tides in the sea. My love for cats came at a very young age. Both sides of my family grew up with cats surrounding them and with my fascination in Ancient Egytpian culture growing, I began to become mildly obsessed.

What’s in a Name?

How come our voice is the quietest when it is the only voice that we should be able to hear. We let the words work through us like poison like their words are gospel and we should hold them dear. I wish hateful words could slide off of us like butter but like something decadent the words form and stick to our hips, there is no telling the damage that will be done when these names escape ones lips.

The Dreams of My Ancestors

My dreams are no more than wild imaginations similar to the ones that my ancestors once had. Why should my dreams demand anything different? All I want is the simplicity interwoven into every momentum without risk of contamination or another being threatening to unravel it all at the seems. Is that too much to ask or shall I keep to myself? Once I see who else is out there I think the later will more than suffice.

Other People’s Pain

Our mental health is no joke with so many out there wanting to bring us to our knees. There is a sick and twisted mentality that is going around that makes people want to troll and watch other people bleed. Why do we get off on seeing so much pain? I wish we didn’t have to live in a world where so many people are made to feel this way. The amount of friends that I have lost to this growing pandemic that nobody acknowledges, the depressed state of a nation that will never have us feeling sane again.

The Future of Authenticity

Laugh at how far fetched this sounds but I would imagine that I have shared a lot of secrets over the years about my family in me. This comes as a vast amount of knowledge of who I was when I was living and I am sure the future generations in my family would be appreciative. Don’t we all want to know our origins? I know I fantasize over who my ancestors used to be.

Robbers of Joy

I want to teach my son that it is ok to wait for your people. That once you find your people that you connect with that life begins to feel so much better. Don’t look for those that look towards you to fill in their gaps, look for the ones who care if your love tank is also full and if they are some one who gives back.

In this Moment

I know this to be true. How else can you explain how irrational I have become. 0 to 60 and I am already livid, angry what I needed the most in this life was a chance to just relax and exhale. Stop sweating the small stuff and just start letting things go. It is ok if you don’t see eye to eye with another we weren’t put on this Earth to fall victim to anybody else’s games.