The Journey to the Unknown (or maybe back to me)

My worth being determined by a whole bunch of pixels and gigabytes…things I do not truly understand. For myself I long for a World where we come together in activity. Instead of the click of a mouse.

A Conspiracy Seen Through a Fresh Set of Eyes

From the outside looking in I am just a housewife. A mother of an almost 2 year old that doesn’t have much time for free thinking…or do I. My passion to explore the lives of those that have lived before us comes from a desire to learn the truth. It isn’t so much of accepting…

The time to think is here….

In a World that is designed to tell us that we need a bountiful supply of friends and social media followers I decided it was time. It was time to take a good hard honest look in the mirror and redesign the person that looked back at me.

The evolution of humanity (on the continuous decline)

You know the path to inner peace is in itself becoming something like a Unicorn. An enigma never to be born. My journey of self discovery has begun to open my eyes in ways I never have imagined before. Yes there are obstacles but with the storm clouds I know that their is always a…

The Truth is Out There Isn’t It?

Do you feel that you are free to explore a life free of limitations and social pressures or do you feel this constant threat and pressure to always “fit in”.

My descent into madness…

I never thought that one day I would be that crazy old blue haired lady but what do you know here I am living that dream lol