What Makes Me Sick

Maybe we have too much time on our hands that make us believe we are happiest behaving this way. There is so much more to experience in this life then getting the crap beat out of you as you keep begging for more. Sorry if I seem bothered but I am triggered just a bit. The idea that at anytime a man is justified in hitting a woman is the very essence in this world that makes me sick.

Breaking Bread

Energy. Feel the energy in the room. Feel the shift deepen and lengthen dependent upon the beings that come across this space in this moment of time. Resonate the truth of love you want other’s to feel from you and let that become your guiding point home. Everything I have wrote about before was a reflection of my own short comings and no more.

Propensity to Change

Inside all of us is the propensity to achieve good and evil. Just some people prefer the latter because anything that resembles hard work just gets in the way. They would rather rob Peter to pay Paul than stay in hiding for the rest of their lives. There are people out there whose kids become collateral damage because their libido rules everything that they do.

Say No Lies

Instead of doing something with your life, you just sit there and wait in the shadows. Waiting to catch any leftovers any which way that you can. Do your children even live with you? How can they with all the threats of you coming to roll up. Please roll up on my house one day. Oh ya, you are so brave because you think that my husband is on your side. Well played, but he lied.

Celebrity Fallout (Say Less, Do More)

Those were the days, weren’t they? Where we cared about our fellow men and wanted them to live equal instead of celebrating this “look at me” movement where we adorn ourselves with attire that cost the small price of a house. Then there were the influencers like Haylee Baylee who thought it was in her best interest to dress up as Marie Antoniette and explain to the Gaza protestors that the world should let them eat cake. Correction the Met Gala should allow the rest of the world to eat cake because these are the elitest among us who have all come together under one roof.

Nothing About That, The Kendrick Effect

I am so tired of those who do absolutely nothing for their children calling out those of us who bend over backward so much so we can barely stand. Call me out, please do. What do you think that you have to say. The lies that I have supposedly told have been surrounded by the truth, sometimes who am I to make it so that you can finally understand.

Smoke and Mirrors

It is hard to find the headlines of the world. We even had a ban from being able to share with each other the news. With so many sources of “fake” news coming forward, it made the most sense to stop inciting fear into those that we love. Another bombing near Goma claimed another 12 or so innocent victims. What gives them the right to try and live the grandest of lives when the poorest among us are left to die.


I just read a quote that said: “If betrayal was forgivable, then the devil himself would be sitting next to god. Loyalty is non-negotiable.” You want to know that the person sitting at your table won’t steal from your plate and ensure that your belly feels full. Your inner circle shouldn’t be the first one to tear you down or make you cry. No wonder why I feel so out of sorts and unwelcome here in my body.

The Consequences of Truth

While you were living your best life, I was nurturing mine. Instead of keeping the liars close, I constantly lead them out to pasture. The lies that surge around you like it is some kind of armor are the very same lies that will lower your casket as the dirt seals in your grave. The innocent lives that were sacrificed before they were even started tell me all I need to know about the company you keep. When my grandma died, my life ended. When your Grandma died, you went out and adorned yourself with gold.

The Healing Journey

Yesterday was a big deal for me. I got out of my comfort zone and went on a healing retreat. I had no idea how difficult it would be. In a sea of highly emotional people I became their sponge. I was hopeful that I would be able to get out words and share my story but the severity of the issues at home made me pretty much mute.

Petty Thoughts

I am not a perfect person, but I am a humble enough person to keep on trying. Even though you see no value in me, my life is infiniteless, and I will work tirelessly to claim it. Sure, your claim to fame is scooping some poop out of their litter and then falling asleep. It is not quality time if you are motionless on the couch, but who am I to try and sway you.

Undiagnosed ADHD

My primary concern for the next 10 or so years is to get my son through high school relatively unscathed. I will over analyze any recommendation that a third party might give up to an inluding another diagnosis that is leading us down the path of ADHD.