A Moment too Soon

Aging although beautiful is also incredibly hard to watch. It would be even more so for those that are going through it. I dream of being able to make it into my golden years but…

Libido Done Well over Credo Done Right? (and other prime minster concerns)

I always talk about what if I was Prime Minister. If I was Prime Minister I would donate that house they live in to charity. Make it into a museum and preserve our heritage our history. Like a time capsule frozen in time. Get my Winnebago and my pets and hit the streets. Politics was supposed to be for the people.

The Biggest Lie Ever Told

No wonder why it is the biggest lie ever told and why some who be want to keep us from uncovering the truth. That a greedy man more consumed with wealth and power wanted to destroy our creator.

We Were Born To Stand Out

Through the years I began to understand how your own self worth was everything. That maybe none of us were ever born to fit in because that was not meant to be our destiny’s

Sealed with Love (Sweet Ruby Bluez) xx

There are so many reasons why I want to give up. There are so many more why I won’t. When I chose to give myself up freely to the powers that may be I had no idea the directional course it would put me on. I can’t tell you what it feels like. What I know though is somewhere through all the smoke and mirrors I know that there is pain and there is hurt and if I didn’t at least try and make the World a better place… I had to at least try.

Leaders, Heroes and Myths

Altering any time line no matter the content will be detrimental to the preservation of life. As we rape and pillage the World of all of it’s natural and unnatural asset it will leave us not only a dead world with a hole in its’ heart but it will leave each and every one of us unfilled and living without a purpose.

Universe are you listening, It’s me Ruby.

No matter which way you look at it the only control we have over our destiny is the energy it takes to get there. We can’t control the future much in the same we can’t alter the past. Live for today, forget tomorrow and live like yesterday was a dream.

The Experience of Living or Infinite Sorrow

So if living is not about the definition but about the experience does that mean that we are all missing the point? To enjoy life and all it’s candor while accepting the ebbs and flows as they come. I imagine infinite sorrow and the feeling of heartbreak. The only true cure is no cure at all. That you can only move forward with the grief in your heart but a new song on your lips.

The Haunting Melody of the Past (a review of Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy)

So there is it. With the misguided illusion that we must know what life is we forget to experience it. We forget that there are lessons and hints written all throughout time. That the real power comes from being humble to the prospect that maybe just maybe you don’t know all. That the digressions of another can be the sanity that you seek

Two Stepping with the Devil

There is no denying the actuality of our life line being incredibly turbulent. No great feet was ever meet with some incredible time, patience and perseverance. What I began to notice the longer that I try to hang on for the ride is that there is always this natural instinct of knowing what is the…