Day 12: Do A Craft

We are only limited to what our minds can achieve and don’t we owe it to ourselves and those who love us to want to keep reaching for those stars. Reaching into darkness with confidence and strength will ensure that maybe one day all your creativity will soon take hold and take off. You never know unless you try and you will be damned if you do and be worse off if you don’t.

Housewife Personified

There is only so much a housewife can take before she snaps back and loses her mind. To stay in control or to lose my mind. One sounds so utterly delicious and the other so common, so mundane. I played by the rules of this game and found myself nowhere, not even close. “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. Maybe it’s time to mix things up again before this housewife finds herself going insane.

Day 11: Go For a Walk

Walking around there is just the regulars (you can tell who they are by the way they greet each other) and they are all eager to welcome somebody new. This day we were talking about the wind. I mentioned that what could we expect from riding around on a big rock spinning around the sun. He paused and laughed and said I guess so. I miss good people.

Day 10: Pamper Yourself

Somedays the toughest thing we can do is get out of bed. Our bodies are sore, our minds exhausted who has time or the energy to indulge in self care or vanity? Taking care of the only body we will ever know has nothing to do about vanity and ego’s but everything to do with how we perceive ourselves and the lifes we want to live. “Fake it to you make it!” Or “Dress for the life you want.”

Day 9: Read a Book

We are so lucky to live in this time with so much knowledge and experience right at our fingertips. So much has been written, researched, said, don’t we owe it to ourselves to read between the pages and take a look? The imagery that comes alive in a well written book heightens your senses and takes you away to another time, another place.

Day Eight: Listen to your Favourite Song

I could never just pick one song to listen to as it is my favourite. Instead I will listen to the songs that best compliments my mood for the day. Music is timeless and the words last for eternity not just for today but for always and all the other moments interlaced in between.

Day 7: Random Act of Kindness

In the rarest of circumstances there will be an act so great that there is no way any human will ever be able to pay that act back. Acts aren’t made to be paid back but paid forward. Pass on the good deed with a smile on your face and a song in your heart.

Day Six: Plan a Healthy Meal

Food, it is the very basis of our love/hate relationship with ourselves and potentially others. I say others because nothing scorns a woman more than her womanly curved friend who don’t have to watch what is stuffed in her mouth compared to you the ever growing potato sack if you just breathe in the aroma.  It is one of the 7 deadliest sins for a reason.

Day 5: 30 Minutes of Yoga

For hyper active individuals and even busier minds, the practice of yoga is rather difficult. Instead of using my breathing to identify points of tension my mind wanders to dinner plans, grocery lists, a long list of things waiting to be done. Anything I can think of comes to mind all while I am trying to center my being and indulge my senses with the possibility of higher enlightenment.

Day Four: Watch a Podcast

Bringing variation into your routine might bring in that mental shake that your mind might be aching for. Even with the ability of downloading hundreds of songs our music library can grow stale, mundane and completly boring. Enter the podcast.